Thursday, April 21, 2011

Question: Issues with a DD !

Question:You have issued a DD of Rs.50000 on one of your branch in another city what you will do in the following problems
A) DD bears only one signature,instead of mandatory two
B)The TEST does not agree
C)DD has been presented for payment but Inter Branch Credit Instructions from the issuing branch have not been received in your branch
Following could be the solutions to the questions, 

A) Take Conformation of 2nd Signature through fax

B) ETD (Electronic Technology Division) HelpDesk 
Coz there might be some technical issue due to which the test is not agreed. Test is a method through which bankers confirm /verify the genuineness of a transaction

B) New test can be applied through preferred on NIL Amount.
If there is some technical issue in test, a new test can be applied with a NIL amount just to confirm the transaction. 

C) Will Demand Credit Advise from respective branch through Fax.
If funds are not transfered from the issuing branch, to the branch on which the DD is drawn (or who will pay the DD) then we can ask for the Credit Advice from the issuing branch. Such situations should make banker suspicious about the genuineness of the instrument but the reason could be some error at the end of issuing branch. 

C) Can pay from Suspense A/C but early settlement will be made on priority.

This option is only suggested when it is confirmed through phone or other medium that the DD is actually issued by the issuing branch. 

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