Sunday, April 10, 2011

One Month Left in Exams ! Crash Prep begins !

Now almost one month left for the preparation of JAIBP spring 2011 exams. You can find the schedule here :

Now those examinees who are still trying to start preparation, I should say that its time for do or die. As they say its never too late, therefore, they should start some crash preparation. For that it is recommended that they get all the past papers of Institute of Bankers Pakistan and solve them one by one. This would now only help them studying the main topics through the questions, but they would also get familiar with the pattern of the paper. Although you never know when IBP changes the pattern of their exams and when they change the proportion of subjective questions and objective questions. But as its a crash preparation time therefore, it is obvious to take risk.

Now, its impossible to prepare in detail thus, solving old papers will do work for those who are yet thinking to start preparing. When you are solving past papers of IBP try to go through the whole topic for which questions were asked. This would help you cover the whole topic and your selective study would be effective. Its best that you have internet facility for finding answers to the questions, and some reference books for authentic sources.
Technology has made it very easy to search for the answers of the questions. I have also uploaded books on this blog and you can download them as reference books. I hope that would help you a lot in preparing for Junior Associateship of Institute of Bankers Pakistan (JAIBP) , and also for Associateship of Institute of Bankers Pakistan (AIBP). But sometimes there are questions which can only be answered after you have obtained considerable experience in the field of banking. For such questions, you have to consult to any banker around, ask some mentors of IBP, or you can ask me and I would try to answer that question.

Wish you all the very best for upcoming exams.

A teacher of mine mentioned this quote a lot during his lectures, "More Sweat in peace, less blood in war."

Plan and Prepare !


  1. Stage 1 folks, visit and follow interactive learning, there is a hope.

  2. Thats and follow interactive learning, there is a hope. lots of flash card. really helped me pass my stage 1
