Therefore, make a habbit of keeping yourself upto date not only during your IBP exams but through out your life. Try to utilize available resources around you. For example the papers and magazines available in your office or college. Websites which contains update information on banking, e.g. , and there are many other sites you may find on this blog which can help you getting updated info.
IBP website is one of some good sites which contains not only updated information about latest jobs but also about economic events. You can read the economic newsletter on their website which is very good and informative. There is also an option for subscription of that newsletter (Although it never worked for me... I subscribed but never received any mail.) which you can use if you dont have access on internet but only the email .
Similalry, SBP is a comprehensive website containing all the latest news about banking industry and SBP activities.
So keep your self update with the latest information .... because in economics they say you get a better bargain / deal if you have better information about the market.... and this is a rule of thumb.... go for it.
Good Luck!
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