Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Change in Exam Cycle & ISQ Summer-2014 session

I have received an email from IBP announcing some changes in their exam cycle and other updates. Main points are mentioned below ,

Enrollments for ISQ (JAIBP, AIBP & Special Certificate) session of
Summer-2014 are open.

There are certain changes in IBP exam cycle. From 2014 onwards, the summer
exams shall be held in April while the winter exams shall be held in
October. The Summer 2014 exams are expected in the 3rd week of April.

Get enrolled for Summer examination session scheduled
for April 2014.

The last date to enroll
for ISQ Summer-2014 examination is February 15, 2014.

The exam fee for the upcoming session is PKR, 1500 per subject.

Please ensure that the payment instrument (Demand Draft/Pay Order) should be
drawn on Karachi branch.

To download JAIBP examination form please visit
<http://ibp.org.pk/pdfs/files/ISQ Form A4.pdf>

UAN: (021) 111-IBP-ISQ (111-427-477)

E-mail: examination@ibp.org.pk

PABX: (021) 35205129 ext. 542, 548