Sunday, May 22, 2011

Good Luck Examinees !

As exams are over now its time to relax and have fun ! even if you know that your paper was not well attempted ! Because its no use crying over spilt milk ! Whatever you have done cannot be reversed, so its no use worrying about that ! But you should always learn from your experience and mistakes, and it is wiser if you learn from the experience and mistakes of others rather then making them all yourself. Therefore, I would recommend you all to share your experiences, write them down on some blog, post it here or just tell the other examinees verbally.

Share with us that how was your experience regarding these tests ?  How was the paper ? was that difficult ? how was the pattern ? Changed or same as previous one ? How was the examination Hall ? was that comfortable as its a hot weather going on with long duration loadsheddings.

If you have any solved papers of IBP also share with us ! Any Material, any Book related to IBP exam preparation would be a great favour for the upcoming examinees !

Wish you good luck for your result !

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Solved Papers of IBP !

First of all there are no solved papers of Institute of Bankers Pakistan (IBP) available on the internet right now !

Nine out of ten emails I receive are asking for the solved papers of IBP. Come one guys ! you are suppose to learn something from these exams, merely taking the papers and passing the test should not be the target. I am trying to provide solved papers on IBP, but it would take time and in the mean time I always offer the examinees of IBP that papers can be solved one by one. So if we do collective effort we can prepare online version of solved papers of IBP.

If you are facing questions which are bigger than you ! then you are welcome to email me those questions and I would try my best to obtain an answer for you.

You can pass some subjects through selective and one day study, but I would recommend that don't use the short cuts in every subject. That can be very risky ! Just simple taking the solved papers would not help you in the exams, because IBP papers contains practical questions which can only be answered if you have clear concepts !

Spend sometime solving these questions !

Wish you Good Luck in exams !

Thursday, May 5, 2011

IBP Should Modernize itself !

Now is the era of e-learning, and IBP being an organization aimed to educate bankers professionally should keep pace along-with the coming technologies. Institute of Bankers Pakistan should launch e-books version of all its publications which should be available for download or they should use their website to launch some e-learning programs. There is a dire need of a discussion forum of IBP where all the examinees can share their experiences, can post their questions, can get their papers solved with the help of others and can discuss various matters. Such an online platform would definitely boost the access to banking information but would also help the examinees to interact with each other more effectively.

Now a days all bankers are well equipped with the computer and internet knowledge and would definitely use such online resources to educate themselves. Recently, IBP has launched their website which give it a refreshing look, but the material in the website is almost the same. They should also focus on website development by introducing some other options.

Here comes a point in mind that IBP is avoiding such steps to keep reaping the revenue it gets from the training workshops, sales of books etc. But in my view they can also earn from such resources by introducing advertisements of various banks on their websites, they can promote their workshops more effectively and there is always a room to generate revenue from such activities.

 I strongly recommend IBP to think upon such latest avenues of training and they should plan to launch such facilities in future. 

Some Movies Bankers should see !

Below are some moview which I found very interesting especially as a banker !

Catch Me if You can !
The Bank Job
ENRON - The Smartest Guys in the Room
Wall Street - Money Never Sleeps
Oceans Eleven

But those who are preparing for the Institute of Bankers Pakistan J.A.I.B.P exams, I should mention that these movies would help you very little is taking your exam. So please focus on your preparation and you can always watch these movies after the exams.

And the first one is must watch for Bankers !

Enjoy !